Case Study- Campuswide Refresh
Case Study
Campuswide Refresh
Our Engagement

The Challenge
A private university serving 15,000 students and 1,700 staff had budgeted for a massive refresh of 3,500+ end-user workstations over three years. Hardware included Apple and PC laptops and desktops, along with software operating systems installation.

The Solution
After a highly competitive bid process, NAKA was selected to manage product procurement, warehousing, imaging, staging, and onsite deployment. Hardware and software deployment was critical yet impacted by a campus shut-down at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As faculty and administrators began working remotely, NAKA quickly adapted to deploy units in homes and other off-campus locations outside the Tri-State area. This required additional NAKA Help Desk support to walk users through establishing connections to home Wi-Fi and university systems.
In addition, in compliance with university policies, all NAKA technicians working on campus or in homes were required to be vaccinated and tested regularly.

The Impact
Despite industry-wide product shortages, NAKA continues to meet all of the client’s aggressive timelines. NAKA has decommissioned old units securely and sustainably following its Lifecycle Management policies.
NAKA’s Managed Services team provides ongoing support, and users have been overwhelmingly satisfied working with NAKA.