Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

Establish Your Brand and Grow Your Sales

Reach your audience and drive conversion across your products, services, and offerings.

20Years’ Experience in IT

Use the right Digital Marketing Solutions to maximize the conversion rate.

Digital Marketing Services are a cost effective way to mark the presence of your business in the market in between a larger scale of audience. Despite your location or company size, digital marketing services help you reach the potential audience irrespective of their location. Our company will offer you the best way to reach potential clients while maintaining a healthy relationship with the existing ones. Our company offers a systematic approach to find the solution to your digital marketing issues. NAKA will help you retain existing clients and build up a new network.

NAKA will give you the pace to keep up with the evolving customer requirements.

We focus on providing high quality services. We believe that high quality attracts the clients and builds the reputation that our name carries. We are not a static company, we cover all the industries and offer them to use our experience and services to soar higher. NAKA aims to bring customized Digital Marketing Solutions on your plate so that you can cut down your competition. We believe in delivering results rather than just promises. We under promise and overdeliver.

Satisfied Clients
Successful Projects
Skilled Experts
Global Locations

Experience your business growth with the right Digital Marketing Campaigns.



Working on Industry relevant marketing strategies for your campaign. With digital marketing solutions, we offer well-researched strategies to obtain quantifiable results.


Don’t worry about the approach and results of your campaign. We offer innovative solutions with the best results.


We believe in increasing ROI and we offer tools that will help you in tracking the performance of your campaign.

NAKA Digital Marketing Services Suite


As an SEO Provider, it is our responsibility to make sure that your firm appears more organically in every search. If you are reaching out to us, it means you are lacking in SEO. A few of the reasons behind your SEO Service approach can be:

  • Decreasing volume of traffic on your website
  • Diminishing size of audience search
  • Lower volumes of calls and queries i.e. lead.
  • Your Website does not appear on search.
  • A newly established startup that needs traffic and working strategy

We, at NAKA, offer SEO Solutions that will entirely resolve your problem.

  • Keyword Research and Strategy
  • Link Building
  • Technical SEO
  • Local SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • eCommerce Rate optimization
  • ECommerce SEO
  • Content Writing

Web Design & Development

In the digital era of today, it is utmost important to stay connected to your clients. Creating a strong digital presence does not mean only building a website. It is a company’s online foundation. Statistics reveal that a well structured and easy to operate website carries more impressions as compared to others. A few reasons why building web designs is worth the investment.

  • Boost search rankings
  • Reduced maintenance cost
  • Acquire more leads and traffics
  • Driving conversions
  • ‘Increased customer reach
  • Improved Brand Reputation

We, at NAKA, offer Web Design and Development Solutions that help your business grow faster.

  • Custom Design Website
  • Content
  • Logo Design
  • Web analysis
  • Web Hosting
  • Website Maintenance

Content Marketing

An optimized website needs quality content. Content quality is the base of SEO and it plays a very important role in the overall digital marketing strategy. We have a confident team of writers who can write engaging content around any topic. There are a few reasons why content marketing is important.

  • Improved Conversions
  • Content consistency
  • Audience engagement and Lead Generation
  • Communication with your audience

Solutions that we provide under the banner of Content Marketing.

  • Blogs
  • Newsletter and emails
  • Keyword strategy
  • Whitepaper
  • Ebooks and all other kinds of content.

Paid Advertising

Advertising is the most common way to create brand awareness. Digital Advertising done through various social media platforms can help drive relevant traffic to the website.We focus on a few factors to display advertisements.

  • The goal/purpose of the AD
  • The segmentation of the AD
  • Message conveyed and Picture relevance
  • The ROAS

We, at NAKA, offer a bunch of Paid Advertising Solutions.

  • PPC Management
  • Ecommerce PPC services
  • Social Media Ads
  • Google Local Services Ads Management
  • Youtube Advertising

Ecommerce Marketing

Today, every customer looks for a way to reach out to their needs online. It not only saves time but also avoids the extra labour. Ecommerce Marketing is growing at a very rapid pace. It leads to higher growth opportunities for a business. There are a few reasons as to why Ecommerce Marketing is important.

  • Centralizes the business opportunities
  • Strengthen the online game
  • Boost Business Efficiency
  • Increased customer base

We, at NAKA, offer complete ECommerce Marketing Services.

  • Ecommerce SEO
  • Ecommerce Content marketing
  • Ecommerce PPC Management
  • Ecommerce Website Design
  • Ecommerce Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

The best way to reach our maximum audience in today’s era is through social media. Utilising the power of different Social Media platforms can work wonders for different companies. It allows the brand to capture the attention of the audience on a wider level. There are a few reasons to move to Social Media Marketing-

  • Better audience exposure
  • High search rankings
  • Brand Control
  • Better customer trust
  • Better customer reach
  • More profits
  • More marketing options

We, at NAKA, offer a wide range of  Social Media Marketing Services.

  • Social media management
  • Social Media Advertising
  • PPC advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Link building
  • Content writing
  • Video Production

How can NAKA help you with Digital Marketing Services?

Our team of highly skilled professionals provide you with digital marketing solutions that will make you stand out of the competition. We work to make your business more visible on digital platforms through various technologies. Our experts optimize and innovate every layer of your digital marketing solution to deliver quality rich solutions.
Lead generation for your businesses
Increase in ROI and RAS
Increased in conversion rate
Guided by Digital Marketing specialists
Improved brand reputation across different social media platforms
24x7 availability

Why NAKA for Digital Marketing Solutions?

Skilled digital marketing team
Cost-competitive solutions
Quantifiable results
Progress tracking tools

Choose The Right Technology Partner


How do you report to the client about the progress of the project?
We update our clients on regular intervals. This may be monthly or as per the client’s choice. We prepare an outline of the upcoming work and set up a dashboard with the client to keep them about the progress and current product. We provide an action list to the client that keeps them updated.
How long do you take to reflect results? Do you ensure success?
Though the answer to this question is very puzzling as there is no particular timeline to success, we generally have noticed that all our clients have noticed a fine difference within the first 60 days of the project initiation. This timeline is not apt for all the firms, a few may see results sooner as well.
What are the industries that you work with?
We work for any industry that requires our digital marketing services. A few examples of such sectors are healthcare, food, IT sector and travel. We work for all companies, be it local or any big name in the market.
What are the benefits of social media marketing? Will it benefit my business?
Believe it or not, social media has become a part and parcel of every person’s life. It has become the easiest way to reach out to the potential target audience. It helps them in the developing relationship with the clients thereby leading to high conversion rates. It will definitely benefit your business.
What qualifies as content in content marketing?
When people think of content marketing they are often stuck with blogs. There are plenty of content forms that make your reach to the audience better. Any valuable information passed through a digital medium can be considered as Content in Content Marketing.

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