Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) as a Service
20Years’ Experience in IT
Keep your lights on 24/7
With more than 15 years of experience in Information Technology, NAKA Security has emerged as a trusted ally in cybersecurity, offering tailored and affordable solutions to small and mid-sized businesses. Recognizing the critical role of digital security in today’s landscape, we work diligently to address each business’s unique needs and mitigate risks.
A cornerstone of our strategy at NAKA Security is to ensure compliance with industry-recognized cybersecurity standards such as CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification), ISO 27001, and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) guidelines, among others. In many sectors, adhering to these standards is now a mandatory requirement.
We understand that compliance can significantly bolster a company’s cybersecurity infrastructure, diminish the risk of cyber threats, and foster trust among customers and partners. To facilitate the management of compliance, we employ a secure GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) platform. This platform streamlines the process of compliance management and ensures that your organization consistently meets all requisite regulatory standards.
Satisfied Clients
Successful Projects
Skilled Experts
Global Locations
Adhering to Secure Framework

How You Benefit from Our CISO as a Service?