Intelligent Systems and Innovation for great business outcomes.
To remain competitive, you must optimize product life cycles and keep up with the technology that is pushing the manufacturing industry at a faster rate than ever before.
With a spectrum of solutions that boost logistics, productivity, speed-to-market, operational efficiency, and data insights, NAKA is taking Industry 4.0 full on. The smart factory of the future necessitates both smart technology and people who are enabled to make the most of it. Our whole lifecycle services strategy guarantees that manufacturers select the best technology for their needs, that it is properly implemented, and that users are trained for optimum adoption and success.
It is made possible by the smart factory. Smart operations make use of business and engineering intelligence, as well as for analytics, and smart supply chains enable end-to-end visibility. Intelligent customer connection solutions enable smooth sales and marketing engagement, while intelligent workforce solutions empower employees.
Smart Factory Technologies to Transform Your Operations
NAKA Manufacturing Solutions and Services
Digital Manufacturing Processes
For more effective operations, our digital manufacturing solutions integrate and automate industrial and business processes. It can be difficult to make the switch to a digital factory. We designed an effective transformation strategy based on our knowledge and experience obtained from years of assisting firms in improving their operations.
To begin, we can communicate the journey to all levels of the business and engage front-line team members to gain their buy-in. Then, we’ll teach you how to automate and integrate operational indicators so you can make data-driven decisions.
Finally, we assist you in turning data into intelligence and deploying connected security to protect data as it travels from device to cloud.
Cloud Computing Services
Analytics & Data
The Internet of Things (IoT)
Modernization of Data Architecture
High-tech Manufacturing
By streamlining factory and business processes to increase productivity, our high-tech manufacturing solutions open the door to unparalleled potential.
We at NAKA, understand that new technologies offer you unrivaled prospects, and we demonstrate how information, data transmission, and data processing technologies may be applied and exploited in every aspect of the industrial industry. Improve material delivery timeliness, as well as manufacturing floor activities, shipping, and strategic planning and use important technologies like virtualization, cloud, mobility, and social media to increase productivity.
How can NAKA help you in the Manufacturing Industry?
Cloud Computing Services
Analytics & Data
The Internet of Things (IoT)
Apps for mobility
SAP Software Applications
Productivity enhancement
Technology upgradation